About Us

This tool is part of the unit Phil1037: Critical Thinking. This unit aims to teach the fundamentals of critical thinking and reasoning. Students learn how to construct, analyse and critically evaluate arguments; how to detect common fallacies in reasoning; and how to think logically and creatively. We teach these skills by developing practical techniques for the evaluation of reasoning, and applying them to arguments from business, law, science, politics, philosophy and the media. Critical thinking skills are invaluable across all disciplines, and will benefit students in academic contexts and in life beyond university.

Argument standardisation is an important part of this unit, and helps structure these critical thinking skills. This tool has been designed with this use in mind. It will help you create your own strong, well reasoned and defended arguments. And it will help you represent the arguments of others, so that you can more accurately understand and engage with them.

If you are unsure about what standardisation is or how to conduct it, be sure to revisit the lectures and lecture notes for topic 2 (Building and Representing Arguments) in particular.

A screenshot of the argument standardisation application.